Britney Spears Crotch Shots. She has photo's with horses in her Candies photo shot and also she included horses in her music video Radar. Only high quality pics and photos with Britney Spears.

At least she's wearing panties this time, I guess - cute ones too.
Nope - just Britney Spears flashing her crotch again.
She was also on a few episodes of How I Met Your Mother. Being that these pictures were snapped in London, I'm really tempted to do a London/France/Underpants joke but I won't. We're starting to think that Britney Spears wants us to see her precious (and highly publicized) area after being the culprit of one too many Before you start putting together a panty fund to cover this girl's kooka (as her Jersey Shore friends would say), Spears was actually wearing underwear this time!