Destin Florida Weather Forecast. All the times are generated in local time in Florida (West Coast) and the daylight saving time change has also been borne in mind for your convenience, so you don't need to add or subtract anything. The weather right now in Destin (Choctawhatchee Bay, East Pass), FL is Thunderstorms/Wind.
Current and forecast weather conditions for Destin including seasonal information for travelers. You can reject cookies by changing your browser settings. Enter ZIP code or City, State.
Check out our current live radar and weather forecasts for Destin, Florida to help plan your day.
Destin, Florida, USA - March weather averages including high and low temperatures, humidity, rainfall, snowfall, daylight, sunshine, UV index, and sea temperature.
The best wind direction is from the north. The National Hurricane Center is also monitoring an area of low pressure over the Florida Straights that has a low chance of developing in the days ahead. Current Surf Report for Destin Current Conditions.